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Information Handbook

Help finding your next job

Successful job seekers have mastered the skills and knowledge needed to win that next job. They:

  • Treat their job search like a job.
  • Think like an employer and know what the employer is looking for.
  • Put in as much time looking for work as they would on the job.
  • Plan their job search activities.
  • Network to find jobs in the hidden job market.

Online job search eLearning classes

Go to and select Find a Job.

Interactive eLearning classes are available that teach job search skills. Each class is broken into topics that include instruction, interaction, and learning activities.

Introduction to Job Search

Looking for work can be stressful. An effective job search requires knowledge and skill. Learn about where people find jobs, what employers expect, how to manage job loss and change, and strategies for a successful job search.

Resume Class

Your resume is an important tool to market your qualifications to employers. Learn how to write a resume and use it in your job search.


Networking is one of the most effective job search strategies you will use. Learn about the benefits of networking and ways to network in this class.


An employment interview is simply a meeting between you and a potential employer to discuss your qualifications. The employer has a chance to learn about you and how you fit into the organization and you have a chance to learn about the company and whether it’s right for you. Learn how to interview effectively and win the job.

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