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File an appeal

See how the appeals process works
Appeals Overview

The Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Law provides an opportunity for a fair and impartial hearing to any party who disagrees with a determination issued by the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program. The Appeal Hearing Guide explains how the appeal phone hearing process works.

Types of employer appeals:

  • Tax Appeals - tax rates, succession, worker status and personal liability issues or election of coverage
  • Benefit Appeals - determination or decision involving an applicant

Appeals must be filed electronically, mailed, or faxed within the timeframe specified on the determination to be appealed. Instructions for filing an appeal are printed on all determinations.

An appeal submitted online or by fax is not considered filed until the department actually receives it. The following are the progression of appeals:

  1. APPEAL HEARING: The hearing will be scheduled with an Unemployment Law Judge. Hearings are conducted by telephone unless circumstances of a particular case make it impractical to conduct the hearing by telephone.

Videos about the appeal process:

Play-Icon Filing an Appeal (video, 12:20)

Play-Icon The Hearing (video, 9:13)

  1. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION: Any Decision issued by an Unemployment Law Judge as the result of a hearing may be reviewed by the same judge if a Request for Reconsideration is filed within 45 calendar days of the mail date of the Decision.

  2. COURT OF APPEALS: Employers must be represented by a licensed attorney in order to file an appeal with the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Information about filing an appeal is available at
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