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Paid Leave

Paid Leave is a new program launching for Minnesotans in 2026. It provides paid time off when a serious health condition prevents a worker from working, when they need time to care for a family member or a new child, for certain military-related events or for certain personal safety issues. 

Paid Leave benefits will be funded by premiums paid by employers and workers. Paid Leave requires that employers submit a quarterly wage detail report – just like they do for UI – and pay Paid Leave Premiums quarterly – just like they do for UI. 

Changes to the UI System and our website

Because the Paid Leave program requirements for employers are very similar to those of UI, we are leveraging current functionality in the UI system to allow employers to meet their Paid Leave obligations as easily as possible. 

Our system will collect wage detail for use by both programs, along with any Paid Leave premiums and UI taxes you have due. 

Paid Leave functionality is being rolled out incrementally starting with an employer registration process.

We are making updates to both this website and the UI system to blend UI and Paid Leave language.

  • If you use the UI system regularly, you might see a few changes as we add Paid Leave functionality. The changes we are making will not affect current UI functionality or taxes.
  • For most processes, like registering a new employer account, assigning an agent or reporting wage detail, the process for employers covered by both UI and Paid Leave are the same. 
  • Most employment is covered under both UI and Paid Leave but there are a few exceptions.

Getting Started

Since we are leveraging existing UI employer functionality, what you need to do next as an employer depends on your current relationship with UI.

Select the group that best matches your current employee situation:

Feature image for All employees covered by UI

All employees covered by UI

I have employees or will have employees who are all covered by UI.
Feature image for No employees covered by UI

No employees covered by UI

I have employees but they are not covered by UI and will not be covered by UI in the future.

Feature image for Some employees covered / some not covered by UI

Some employees covered / some not covered by UI

Some of my employees are covered by UI and some are not.

Feature image for I have questions

I have questions

I am not sure what category I fall in or what program I need to register for.

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