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File upload method

This filing method allows you to upload all your quarterly wage data at once. You can upload files in any of the following formats, or use this Microsoft Excel template (follow these instructions for using the template).


Submitting the File

After you create the file, use this procedure to submit the file:


Your submitted wage detail report must include all required employee information. Reports with missing or erroneous information are subject to a $25 administrative service fee for each adjusted or corrected employee record. Administrative service fees may be canceled under certain circumstances.

To submit the file:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. On My Home Page, select Tax and Wage Detail Reporting.
  3. Select Submit or Adjust Wage Detail.
  4. Select the reporting period (year and quarter) for which you are submitting data, and then select Next.
  5. The Wage Detail Submission Process page displays. Select the Filing Method: File Upload - Attach electronic wage file, and then select Next.
  6. Select the File Type that matches the format of your file (Delimited, ICESA, EFW2, or Minnesota State Fixed Length), and then select Next.
  7. Use the Browse button to locate your wage detail file. Select a file to upload, and then select Open. The title of your wage detail file will display, select Next. See example.
  8. The File Preview page opens. Review your uploaded wage detail information. If you:
    • Have no File Errors, select the action: Accept file and proceed.
    • Have File Errors, review the error messages, and then proceed as follows:
      • Fatal errors cannot be processed until they have been fixed. You must correct the file and then re-submit. Select the action: Make file corrections and resubmit.
      • Non-Fatal errors it is recommended you correct all errors before submitting the file; however, you can select the action: Ignore Errors and Continue, and then select Next.

    Note: Files with more than 5 kilobytes of data receive a confirmation message. The file has been saved and will be processed within 24 hours. For additional steps to this process, refer to Submitted file upload files larger than 5 kilobytes.

  9. Review the 12th of the month information, update if necessary, and then select Next.
  10. Review the Wage Detail Report Summary and Summary of Units Reported information:
    • If correct, select Next.
    • If incorrect, or you see a section named Summary of Units Not Reported, select Previous to go back and review/fix entries.
    • If you are not ready to submit your report, you can select Save and Exit to save your work and finish the process later.
  11. You are almost done! Review for accuracy the Total Gross Wages, Taxable Wages and Amount Due, and then select Submit Wage Detail.
  12. A confirmation number is provided on the next page. Print the Wage Detail Submission Confirmation page for your records.

Additional steps

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