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Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Rates

Employers with covered employment must pay quarterly unemployment insurance taxes into the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance (UI) Trust Fund. The UI Trust Fund is used solely to pay unemployment benefits.

Your UI tax rate is calculated for your individual business. It is normally calculated and mailed to you in December each year and applies to taxable wages in the following calendar year. Your UI tax rate is based on your employment history and the current balance of the UI Trust Fund.

  • New employers: Employers that have only paid wages for a short time are assigned a tax rate based on the average for their industry.
  • Experience-rated employers: Employers that have paid wages for long enough to qualify for an experience rating will get an individually-calculated tax rate. This tax rate is determined by dividing the total unemployment benefits paid to former employees by the total taxable wages paid to all their employees.

Your UI tax rate is applied to the taxable wages you pay to your employees. You cannot withhold UI tax from the wages you pay to employees.

Tax rate factors for 2025

All 2025 Unemployment Insurance Tax Rate Determinations were sent out by U.S. mail to Minnesota employers on or before December 15, 2024.

The Taxable wage base for 2025 is $43,000.

 2025 Tax rate factors  2025 Assessments

To view your 2025 Tax Rate Determination online in your employer account:
  1. Log in to your account at
  2. On My Home Page, select Account Maintenance.
  3. Select View Tax Rate Determination.

History of tax rate factors and assessments

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