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Submit agent file

To submit a wage detail file for your clients:

  1. Log in to your agent account.
  2. On My Home Page, click Tax and Wage Detail Reporting.
  3. Click Submit Agent File.
  4. Select the option button for the file type to be submitted, and then click Next.
  5. Click Browse to locate your file. Select the name of the file to be uploaded, and then click Open. The title of your wage detail file should appear in the Browse box, click Next.

    NOTE: If your wage detail file has:

    • less than 5 kilobytes of data, continue with the next step.
    • more than 5 kilobytes of data, your file will go to batch (offline) processing and a message will display to check the processing results at a later time.
    • For instructions on viewing the status of the wage detail submission, see View Submission History.

  6. The next page will show whether or not there are errors in the file. If the file:

    • has errors, the line number, error description and error type will display. If errors do exist, select the Reject File option button, and then click Next. Go back and make the necessary corrections to your original file located on your computer; then resubmit by starting over with step1.

      NOTE: Fatal record errors will not be stored or used in calculations. They must be corrected for an accurate submission. Non-Fatal record errors will be stored and used in calculations. It is recommended to correct the errors for an accurate submission.

    • does not have errors, select the Accept File option button, and then click Next.

  7. The Number of Employees Employed on the 12th of Each Month page displays showing the total number of employees employed on the 12th of each month. The totals are displayed for each reporting unit number and for each month of the quarter. Corrections can be made to the totals on this page, click Next.
  8. Process and Calculate Taxes Due Summary page displays; if correct, click Next.
  9. The Wage Detail Report Submission Confirmation page displays a confirmation number. You can choose to make a payment at this time by clicking Make Payment and completing requested information.

    For instructions on making a payment, see Payment Information.
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