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Information Handbook

When can I expect my first payment?

The soonest you will receive a payment is the third week after your benefit account is established.

  • You always request your benefit payment for a previous week. You cannot request benefits for the current week or a week in the future.
  • The first week you are eligible for benefits is your "nonpayable week" (see explanation below).
  • For most applicants, the second week you are eligible for benefits will be the first week for which you can receive a payment.
  • Most applicants request payment for their first payable week the third week after their benefit account is established.

Your first payment may be delayed beyond the third week if:

Nonpayable week zero

The first week you are eligible for unemployment benefits is your nonpayable week. Minnesota law requires a nonpayable week before you can be paid benefits.

For a week to qualify as your nonpayable week, you must:

  • Submit an application for benefits.
  • Submit a timely Request for Benefit Payment.
  • Be eligible for benefits for the week requested.

You will have only one nonpayable week in the 52 weeks after you apply. If you are unemployed again within one year of your account date, you will not have another nonpayable week.

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